Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beautiful Mess

Hi there blogging friends! Student Teaching is going full force and I'm terribly sad that I feel like I haven't seen most of you in over a week! I have so much blog stalking to catch up on. I might get up early tomorrow morning just to do it. {Gasp!} I can't believe I've found something in my life that runs that close in a competition with sleep. :)

I'm blogging quickly on this Saturday night to let you know an idea that I'm loving during this season of all things student teaching...

Quick background: I am doing A. L.O.T. of planning right now. With all of the unit planning I am doing since coming back from Christmas, I feel like ideas are swimming everywhere in my mind! Not to mention swimming around on sticky notes everywhere, in multiple to do lists, and on phone reminders. They are all something like this: "Oh! that time idea I just saw on Pinterest would be great for my time unit in 5 weeks! or "Oh! that life cycle activity I just saw would be great for 2 days from now! I should add it! {grabs sticky note}"

...I started to get a little down about this earlier this week. I'm a super organized person and I couldn't seem to get my thoughts on planning organized and streamlined. Then it hit me that maybe that's the way it's supposed to be. Great ideas come from all over the place, all the time. My ultimate job is to put all of the great ideas together into something perfect for my kids. THEN! I was so comforted when I saw a statement on a pastor's blog that I read often that totally confirmed my thoughts! This is what he said:
The most beautiful ideas are often the product of an ugly, messy process.

Well, of course they are!! I'm a soon-to-be teacher, this is a reality that I must understand! I'm thinking about it this way: The best plans are going to come out of an ugly, messy process of putting everything together just right. 

Some of the most beautiful creations that our students make are carefully sprinkled with extras and glitter, and they are the creations that are the biggest MESS to make! 

Well, if my plans are going to sparkle and shine, I've got to be okay with getting some glitter on the floor in the process! :)


Miss Kindergarten said...

Very well said! Did you see my post about sticky notes on the computer?? Might be helpful! haha :)

Miss Kindergarten
My Fabulous Finds

Unknown said...

We all feel overwhelmed with ideas at times. Whenyou throw blogging & Pinterest into the mix it makes it all even worse {in a good way}. I have a word doc. on my dektop when I have a running list of my to do list and a lst of idea I like with the reference resource right next to it.
I find that as soo as I write things down it makes me feel a lot better.

❤ Mor Zrihen from...
A Teacher's Treasure
Teaching Treasures Shop

Unknown said...

Great attitude. We learn best from our little messes and mistakes in the classroom. Good luck with student teaching. I wish I had blogs and Pinterest at my fingertips 20 years ago!


Lisa Lizak and Beth Wright said...

Good luck with your student teaching! I think every classroom should have some glitter everywhere...hehe :) Keep up the cute work :)

Lisa :) (new follower)
Made in the Shade in Second Grade

Malarie said...

I love your glitter picture! So awesome! Sometimes the best lessons are the most spontaneous one when you realize what you had planned isn't working. Funny how it works like that! I have a hard time picking and choosing from all of the great ideas I see on blogging and pinterest! I wish there was enough time to fit it all in.

Check out my giveaway!

Allyce said...

During student teaching last year I had the same problem-tons of lists and never enough time. Well there is very good news! You will have your own classroom someday and you can always use the ideas there too! I suggest keeping a list on your computer or having a journal of some kind to keep all of these ideas in for quick reference. Enjoy your student teaching!

Chrissy said...

I love your last true!! Hmmm, I'm going to pin the picture and place your thought in the box! :-)

Happy planning, Chrissy

Stacy said...

I love your blog and I LOVE you! Keep your optimism. I still feel the same you are but just try and write everything down to drain your brain! You can organize all of those thoughts later!

ohh and I gave you an award! Hop over to check it out!

2nd Grade Paradise

Miss DeCarbo said...
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Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

Great post! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog so I could find yours. :)

I've found in times like that, I just have to take a break and come back to what I'm working on. I got so stumped on my winter unit earlier in the week and decided to sleep on it and the best ideas came to me the next morning while I was getting ready!

Good luck with your student teaching! Your kids and cooperating teacher are lucky to have you!
Stories From Second

Miss DeCarbo said...

Great post! I just gave you the Versatile Award! Head on over to my blog to pick it up. :)

Second Grade Sugar and Spice

Barbara L said...

Good luck with it all:)
Grade ONEderful

Deana said...

Love that picture, just take it one day or unit at a time : ) you'll do great!

Primary Punch

Jeannie said...

love the pic and love your site - I am your newest follower!
Come see me too!
­ Kindergarten Lifestyle

vicky1970 said...

Hi, I love your blog,,,very cute. I teach first in Calif. ..come on over and check out my blog. I'm new to blogging but think I have some ideas you might like.
Laughter and Happily Ever After

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